Phi Delta Theta | Kansas State University

Greek Life 101

kansas state fraternity

It’s greek to me.

You may have some preconceptions of fraternities or sororities from popular movies that depict reckless party animals majoring in debauchery. These stereotypes make for good movies, but the reality is that the Greek fraternities and sororities of today are reputable organizations that offer fellowship, academic support, leadership training, participation in campus activities and philanthropy in the community.

best kstate fraternity

It’s a decision you shouldn’t be “rushed” into.

Most fraternities and sororities gain new members by a process called “rush” – a meet and greet whirlwind of a week that’s sort of like speed dating where neither party really gets a chance to know the other. At Phi Delta Theta, we don’t use the word “rush,” exclusively because we don’t feel anyone should be rushed into a decision that’s this important. After all, joining a fraternity is for life.

Our recruitment process usually begins by receiving referrals from Phi Delta Theta brothers, campus leaders and alumni who personally can recommend young men with integrity. Unlike traditional “rush” which takes place two weeks out of the year, we are constantly on the lookout for standouts all year long. We seek out scholars, future business leaders, communitarians, athletes, many different kinds of campus leaders, and all around gentlemen. Once we find guys who are the real deal, we simply hand out information and tell our story. We ask him a lot of questions about what he wants in life and where he’s going. If it feels right for both of us, we start a friendship that may very well end up in being brothers for life.

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Phikeia. The first step.

Once the decision has been made to say “Yes!,” the recruit enters a trial period that allows an opportunity for him to truly get to know the Fraternity and for the Fraternity to truly get to know him. The Phikeia stage is a period of education, filled with positive and encouraging preparation for the responsibilities of membership that reaffirms the principles of Phi Delta Theta. After the Phikiea Education Program, if both party’s values and expectations are in sync, Phikeias become initiated into full membership – and that’s where the real journey of a lifetime begins.

kstate fraternity

The path to a greater you.

Even if you find out Phi Delta Theta is not the perfect choice for you, we encourage you to get involved with Greek Life. The right fraternity (or sorority) can enrich your college years with rewarding service to the community, leadership training, social activities, academic achievement, and friendships that will last a lifetime.